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In its anniversary Yulmart revealed the secret fifth column

In connection with the celebration of the fifth anniversary of the company Yulmart gives to our customers a unique opportunity - to take advantage of the price of the fifth column, giving a maximum discount. The new price will apply to all 35,000 of goods from a catalog Yulmart. As you know, Yulmart for retail customers, there are three price columns: "base", the "regular" and "for friends." The second and third - a unique analogs of discount cards that are common to traditional retailers. The fifth column is hidden price. It can be seen only corporate clients, and use - only in the event that will make a one-time purchase for the sum of 500 thousand rubles. The owner of the fifth column of price given the status "superdiler" and the right to purchase any product from the range Yulmart with maximum discount. Yulmart Now in celebration of its fifth anniversary gives the maximum discount for everyone. On June 21, five days pricing fifth column will be available for everyone! To see the new value and compare it with the old can be directly on the item card online Yulmart. Buy technique for super possible by any means, place your order on the site, or point Kibermarket Yulmart Outpost, by phone or email. The action covers all the cities of presence Yulmart. Details of the action on the site ulmart.ru. The company's activities Yulmart began June 1, 2008. On this day in St. Petersburg opened Kibermarket on Kondratieff prospectus. He became the first store of electronics and home appliances brand new format. In Kibermarket Yulmart no shelves and display cases, and the selection of goods is carried out by means of a computer terminal. After payment in cash Kibermarket client takes in the order of issue. Total purchase does not exceed 15 minutes. And until June 30 to Yulmart is an action in which the company's customer gets a free certificate if his time of purchase exceeds 7 minutes. Moreover, thanks to the new format in Kibermarket Yulmart are more products available than conventional electronics store and home appliances. During the five years of the format "Kibermarket" proved its worth: Yulmart Kibermarket opened 29 points and more than 130 orders and issuing Yulmart Outpost in 60 cities across the country. The company has set new standards of trade, which is now followed by other retailers.

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