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Another Galaxy S7 edge has apparently burned for no reason

Weng Briones from The Philippines claims her Galaxy S7 edge starting burning on its own for no apparent reason. She has posted pictures of her phone on Facebook which clearly show that the device has been through intense temperatures. Briones told a local news outlet that her 16-year-old daughter was tweeting on her phone when it heated up and started emitting smoke. They splashed water on the phone and later covered it up with a wet towel.

She took her phone back to the Samsung store where she purchased it from and told them that she wanted a refund and did not want to exchange it for a new one because she was worried that it might happen again. She praised representatives at the store for their service who refunded her the full cost of the Galaxy S7 edge. The staff at the store didn’t say what caused the handset to do this but Briones says that she was later contacted by the company’s marketing head in the country who told her that Samsung will look into this incident.

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