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Sprint 4G a Perfect Match for Philadelphia Software Provider

Kayentis executives trial the new technology; see immediate benefits with customers.

OVERLAND PARK, Kan. -- Sprint's 4G technology is making a Philadelphia-based software provider for the pharmaceutical and health care industry more efficient, responsive and valuable to its customers, and leaders at the company have taken note.

Executives at Kayentis, intrigued by the benefits of much faster download speeds and significant Web experience improvements of the technology, began experimenting with Sprint 3G/4G USB Modem U300 mobile broadband cards last year.

"Communicating by our North American executives with each other and with our pharmaceutical customers has been greatly improved with the use of the Sprint 3G/4G broadband cards," said Guy Maestre, vice president, North American Operations, Kayentis. "The new e-mail and data exchange speeds that we see when acquiring research data, RFP information, and accessing our applications in our central servers through the Web are truly remarkable."

Sprint 4G technology, launched in 27 U.S. markets, delivers peak download speeds of more than 10 Mbps - up to 10 times faster than the 3G service offered by any carrier today.* The new 3G/4G service lets users instantly download the files needed to get work done on the run and browse the Web from virtually any place in the city, not just a few hotspots. Sprint 4G launched in Philadelphia on Oct. 26, 2009.

Sprint 4G will be valuable in health care and where data-rich information, such as vital facts, X-rays and medical records, must be rapidly exchanged during emergencies. The new technology can also accelerate the approval of clinical trials for pharmaceutical products, which helps patients who are waiting for new life-saving medicines or operating procedures.

"Sprint 4G will also allow Kayentis customers to access our applications while away from a wired Web access point and have access to their data instantaneously, thereby accelerating the clinical data capture process," Maestre added.

"Sprint 4G will be a major shift in the way businesses use bandwidth-intensive mobile devices and offers a glimpse of the future of wireless technology for an eager market," said Todd Rowley, vice president, Sprint 4G. "Sprint 4G customers will enjoy a blazing-fast mobile broadband experience and much higher quality video conferencing, not to mention flexibility with IT spending by using 4G as a primary or backup connection rather than a wired T1, which costs more and takes longer to install."

Michael Santoli, of Barron's, likes the direction Sprint is taking with its 4G implementation across the country.

In his Dec. 7 piece, "Sprint Nextel Starts to Hit Its Stride," he writes, "This tier of service accommodates bandwidth-intensive mobile video and other functions that are in growing demand. The 4G effort and a slate of well-received smartphones (such as Palm Pre) and other devices are a part of Sprint's growth strategy that very few investors are focused on."

Sprint, the first national wireless carrier to test, launch and market 4G technology, expects to continue introducing the technology in multiple markets, including Boston, New York, Houston, San Francisco and Washington, D.C.

"Sprint is more than one year ahead of competitors in launching 4G service to millions of consumers and business customers," said Jaime Jones, senior vice president, Business Markets Group. "Our lead will widen in 2010 with service to more major cities and an impressive lineup of Sprint 4G-powered modems and router/Wi-Fi devices to access blazing-fast speeds for browsing the Web, accessing multimedia-rich information, exploring social networking and lag-free videoconferencing in 4G service areas."

About Sprint Nextel

Sprint Nextel offers a comprehensive range of wireless and wireline communications services bringing the freedom of mobility to consumers, businesses and government users. Sprint Nextel is widely recognized for developing, engineering and deploying innovative technologies, including two wireless networks serving more than 48 million customers at the end of the fourth quarter of 2009 and the first and only 4G service from a national carrier in the United States; industry-leading mobile data services; instant national and international push-to-talk capabilities; and a global Tier 1 Internet backbone. The company's customer-focused strategy has led to improved first call resolution and customer care satisfaction scores. For more information, visit www.sprint.com.

About Kayentis

Kayentis provides software solutions to collect, display, share and archive information and clinical data. Kayentis Clin'Form solution, enabling Anoto functionality, is the optimal paper-based e-data capture solution for clinical trials. Clin'Form has been successfully deployed in studies conducted in more than 40 countries, involving more than 50,000 patients across all continents. Kayentis is a member of Pennsylvania BIO and BIO New Jersey. Kayentis is an Anoto Platinum Partner, an Oracle Partner and an HP Solution Business Partner.

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