Plan NR - is twice more than as the renewed energy by 2012
Company NR plans to twice increase the portion of the use of the renewed energy in the course of the production and research activity: from 4% in 2008 to 8% into 2012. This plan supplements the initiative NR, within the framework by which company takes to itself obligations on the reduction of the consumption of energy and ejections of greenhouse gases at her own and leased enterprises in the entire world by 2010 to 16% on the comparison since 2005.
For the purpose of the reduction of ejections into the atmosphere of the dioxide of carbon NR count on the use of different renewed energy sources, increase in the energy-effectiveness, and also for reduction and optimization of the energy consumption in its enterprises, located throughout the world. In 2007 NR acquired 61,4 million kilowatts an hour ([kVt]/[ch]) of the renewed energy in the USA and successfully achieved the goal on an increase in the volumes of the purchases of the renewed energy presented more than by 350%.
Recently company NR completed installation at its enterprise in San Diego of the [gelioenergeticheskoy] system with a total power of 1,1 megawatts, into composition of which enter 6,256 solar batteries. This is one their largest solar power systems in San Diego region, which, as it is assumed, will ensure more than 10% energy of enterprise and for the next 15 years it will save for the company 750 thousand US dollars. Furthermore, the use of this system will make it possible into the next 30 years to reduce the ejections of carbon dioxide more than to 60 million pounds (27,5 thousand tons), which is equivalent to the guarantee with the electric power of 3800 houses or the reduction of a quantity of machines on the streets on more than 5250 during this period.
Because of the system of intellectual dynamic cooling NR, the savings of energy in [TSOD] NR is from 20 to 40%. The introduction of system in [TsODakh] of Austin will make it possible yearly to economize more than 100 thousand US dollars. With the building of three their enterprises in Melbourne, Australia, NR also made a special accent on the methods of production optimum for the environment. With the design of buildings special attention was paid to the possibility of the significant reduction of the consumption of electric power, connected with the heating and the cooling, and also with the use of more economical illumination.
For the purpose of the reduction of ejections into the atmosphere of the dioxide of carbon NR count on the use of different renewed energy sources, increase in the energy-effectiveness, and also for reduction and optimization of the energy consumption in its enterprises, located throughout the world. In 2007 NR acquired 61,4 million kilowatts an hour ([kVt]/[ch]) of the renewed energy in the USA and successfully achieved the goal on an increase in the volumes of the purchases of the renewed energy presented more than by 350%.
Recently company NR completed installation at its enterprise in San Diego of the [gelioenergeticheskoy] system with a total power of 1,1 megawatts, into composition of which enter 6,256 solar batteries. This is one their largest solar power systems in San Diego region, which, as it is assumed, will ensure more than 10% energy of enterprise and for the next 15 years it will save for the company 750 thousand US dollars. Furthermore, the use of this system will make it possible into the next 30 years to reduce the ejections of carbon dioxide more than to 60 million pounds (27,5 thousand tons), which is equivalent to the guarantee with the electric power of 3800 houses or the reduction of a quantity of machines on the streets on more than 5250 during this period.
Because of the system of intellectual dynamic cooling NR, the savings of energy in [TSOD] NR is from 20 to 40%. The introduction of system in [TsODakh] of Austin will make it possible yearly to economize more than 100 thousand US dollars. With the building of three their enterprises in Melbourne, Australia, NR also made a special accent on the methods of production optimum for the environment. With the design of buildings special attention was paid to the possibility of the significant reduction of the consumption of electric power, connected with the heating and the cooling, and also with the use of more economical illumination.
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