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In EMEA, over 120 million households are familiar with teletext on their televisions. It is an up-to-date and extensive information medium, ideally suited for use on mobile devices.

Minitext provides you with FREE, super-fast access to teletext pages on your mobile, reducing the data costs associated with mobile web browsing whilst keeping the same TV 'look & feel' for ease of use.

Teletext pages are presented on your phone in the traditional format and navigation is in the usual way - simply by entering the required three-digit number or using the familiar red, green, yellow and blue fastext links.

But Minitext goes further than this. Pages are detected automatically and can be accessed quickly via the on-screen menu options. Unlike broadcast teletext services, sub-pages can be targetted direct, just by keying in the main page number and the required sub page, e.g. 123 sub page 4 is entered 1234.

A key feature of the platform is the ability to switch content 'channels' (i.e. from one service to another) from just the single Minitext application, allowing you to access general, business and sports news, share indices and market reports, weather forecasts, traffic information and much more.

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