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Motorola Korea, a vibrant orange color of orange prism motto 'Release

(AP) January 28, 2009 - Motorola (NYSE: MOT) is the outer layer, featuring a transparent touch 2G pulteochiseukeurinpon motto prism (MOTOPRIZM) prism in the orange color, orange-coated motto (MOTOPRIZM Orange) was introduced in Korea. Prism of existing innovative technologies as Moto Moto contained inside the front of the orange color, orange prism jangsikhae added dynamic and vibrant.

Motorola CXD Seoul hwangseonggeol Sangmu in the studio, "a transparent layer covering the front of the points on the border to give a bright orange color of the unique prism poldeohyeong pulteochipon form the motto has emerged" and "extraordinary items, and express individuality the trend setter in the new year when you start to want to be a good gift, "he said.

Touch-screen close to the border and the motto of Orange prism, at the bottom of the nose, as well as at the end of both the Home button and power button at the top of the vivid orange color done. Shiny orange color is processed jingongjeungchak glamorous side and rear of the luxurious sopeuteupil kotingcheoridoen dakeugeureyi (Dark Grey) color and the combination makes a strong contrast. Back to the hinge and matdateun border into the orange color of the inside was attractive feeling a little exposed.

Meanwhile, Moto prism orange fingers touch the transparent layer on the check list and dial a call, text message, a confirmation, album view and can run the core functionality quickly. 10 In addition, free access to Channel 2, the satellite DMB1, 300 million pixel camera, Bluetooth technology, VOD1, MOD1 provide various multimedia functions, as well as provide health information to donguibogam Life 2 'and the wine dictionary' injoyi Wine 2 and is filled with fun and informative content.

SK Telecom, Motorola's Moto prism of Orange will be available from resellers and retailers. For more information about Prism Moto Orange Motorola website (www.mymotorola.co.kr) can be found at. Source: Motorola

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