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Deliveries of mobile devices to double in 2014

Company ABI Research published a progress report on the analysis of the market mobile devices. In her reports, this year the market will be delivered 1.2 billion mobile devices, among which were included devices supporting wireless communication: mobile phones, internet tablets, netbooks, consumer mobile devices and mobile modems. According to the forecasts of the company, given the number by 2014 will almost double reaching figures 2,25 billion units per year.

During the next five years will be the redistribution of shares between different types of mobile devices. If now the bulk of sales are to mobile phones, while all other devices make up only 40 million and another 60 million modems in the future the situation will change. While in 2008-2009, mobile phones were sold in less than two other segments have acquired a tendency to a significant increase. Handset sales are growing by about 4%, while the supply of modems increased by 40%. Demonstrate an even larger portable devices - 67%. This shows the interest of the market and the possibility of its further saturation.

Smartphones and communicators are beginning to compete with a number of other devices, which to some extent surpass them in functionality. However, according to analysts ABI Research, large companies phone manufacturers will increasingly occupy the niche of massive and low-cost devices.

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