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Frost & Sullivan: Prospects for the development of mobile TV in DVB-H standard in Russia

The comments of the consulting company Frost & Sullivan about the prospects of mobile TV standard DVB-H in Russia, it is noted that in December of this year, once Russia's two companies announced the launch of a test operation of DVB-H networks. In some parts of Moscow test operation of DVB-H started the company "Centaur" controlled "Skartel" under the brand name Yota TV, as well as a subsidiary of VimpelCom "Domination".

Launching mobile TV standard DVB-H in the test operation was possible only after the cancellation in August 2009 of a moratorium on the allocation of frequencies in the bands 174-230 MHz and 470-790 MHz allocated under the program of transition to digital TV broadcasting in Russia.

Mobile broadcasting standard DVB-H is already working in 13 countries, is expected to have several dozen commercial launches around the world. The most developed markets for mobile TV in DVB-H standard is South Korea and Japan. In Europe, the lead Italy after her - France and Great Britain. At the end of the third quarter of 2009, the number of users of mobile TV DVB-H in Italy has exceeded 1.2 million.

Nevertheless, despite high hopes, while mobile TV still remains a niche service. For a successful case study launched DVB-H television can be attributed only launched in Italy and South Korea. It is expected that last year's recognition of the European Commission official DVB-H standard for mobile television in Europe will give new impetus to the development of this market.

According to the Director of Business Development in Russia and CIS countries, Frost & Sullivan Tolmacheva Tatiana, yet there are many constraints (complex configuration, price, lack of a large selection of subscriber terminals, lack of clarity in the image), which will not allow this service in the next few years "go to the masses." That is why the launch of DVB-H mobile TV VimpelCom and Skartel "- is likely a strategic move, the application for participation in the federal program for the transition to digital terrestrial television and attempt to retain the frequency.

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