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OLPC XO-3: images of the new child planshetnika

Designer Yves Behar (Yves Behar), presented pictures and some data on the characteristics of the Tablet PC OLPC XO-3. Like the first model XO-1, it is designed for children in developing countries and should be the budget.

The first model presented OLPC, looked like a mini-notebook, and XO-3 - is already planshetnik full touch screen control. This is a subtle device in a waterproof plastic casing thickness 6,3 mm.

All it will take the front panel touch screen display Pixel Qi, which is readable in daylight, and located on the back of the camera. OLPC XO-3 can be worn for a round knob in the upper right corner. We also know that planshetnik will be based on the processor ARM.

Issue OLPC XO-3 is scheduled only a few years - in 2012. It seems like every time they succeed in making technology used in this laptop, affordable. Sell OLPC XO-3 is expected for only $ 75.

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