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Communications network to run smoothly during the Spring Festival

To ensure that communication networks during the Spring Festival safe and stable operation, all telecommunications enterprises are in pre-holiday comprehensive inspection of the communications network security, conducting emergency drills to establish a sound information security liability regime. During the Spring Festival, the rapid growth of telecom services nationwide, the network is running smoothly, thus guaranteeing the Spring Festival, Spring Festival Evening and local large-scale events running smoothly.

Communication consumption growth significantly. During the Spring Festival, the National total amount of all kinds of text messages sent reached 23 billion, up 10% over last year over the Spring Festival, including a two-day New Year's Eve, and who started sending text messages reached 13 billion; the country to send various types of MMS traffic to reach 1.33 billion, increase of 40% compared with same period last year. Mobile voice has grown rapidly during the Spring Festival China Telecom, China Mobile, China Unicom's mobile voice traffic respectively over the same period last year 127.6%, 19.5%, 15.7%.

Effective protection of key areas. During the Spring Festival, various telecom enterprises to Spring Festival, Spring Festival Evening, information security and other key areas of protection efforts. China Telecom issued a "emergency communications on doing security work during the Spring Festival notice" and founded the ISAG, MMS center, WAP gateway and the Group's business platform-level security plans. China Mobile from 105 major events across the country has undertaken a major security vehicles a total of 177 dispatched emergency vehicles to protect officers 4000 times to ensure the smooth development of large-scale events, text messages during Spring Festival Evening up the success rate has been maintained at 100%. China Unicom's key areas well in advance of the signaling link expansion, start the program traffic to clear, timely troubleshooting hidden, and in railway stations, parks and other key areas of the base stations launched cars and well-informed car, to ensure communication during the Spring Festival temple fair and smooth .

Offers a variety of convenient measures. During the Spring Festival, various telecom enterprises to develop various forms of promotional activities, and for the return of migrant workers in rural areas and offers a variety of convenient services. China Telecom to speed up loading transfer machine services in rural areas to improve the signal coverage and quality, to carry out the activities of telecommunications services into rural areas and sent deep into the rural movement of mobile commercial vehicles business, and for rural users, especially migrant workers, introduction of non-monthly, price tag, that is, Tianyi open-to-use EZ-Link products. China Mobile first-line arrangement of township business hall staff shifts to ensure that customers demand for services during the holiday season, and good cross-roaming customers make payments, cross-fill cards and other services, while strengthening the Office of the online business, SMS, business hall, 10086 Hotline , WAP business hall maintenance and management and operational tests to ensure that during the holiday season self-service channels open.

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