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Taiwan to have 28 million mobile subscribers in 2014, says IEMR

The number of total mobile subscriber accounts in Taiwan will increase from 26 million in 2009 to 28 million in 2014, according to IE Market Research (IEMR).

The research firm predicts Chunghwa Telecom (CHT) will continue to be the largest operator in Taiwan, with its subscriber base increasing from 9.1 million in 2009 to 10 million in 2014. Taiwan Mobile (TWM) will remain in second place with 7.1 million subscribers, and Far EasTone (FET) will remain in the third place with 6.2 million subscribers in 2014.

IEMR expects subscriber market shares of CHT and TWM to be increasing slightly over the next several years to reach 35.8% and 25.3% respectively in 2014. Market shares of FET, Fitel, APT, and Vibo will be approximately 22.3%, 2.5%, 9.5%, and 4.6% respectively in 2014.

The industry average monthly ARPU will decline from NT$700 (US$21.87) in 2009 to NT$660 in 2014. Data ARPU will account for 22% of this overall ARPU in 2014. IEMR forecasts that monthly ARPUs at CHT, TWM, and FET will be NT$650, NT$650, and NT$690 respectively in 2014.

CHT will continue to enjoy higher EBITDA than TWM and FET, IEMR added. The industry average EBITDA margin will decrease from 40.1% in 2009 to 38.1% in 2014. CHT's EBITDA margin will be about 44% in 2014 compared to 32% at TWM and 38% at FET.

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