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Top three finalists selected for Nokia “PUSH N900 MOD IN THE USA” contest

Finalists for the Nokia “PUSH N900 MOD IN THE USA” competition have been selected for a chance to see their ideas brought to life and compete for up to USD 10,000 in prizes. The contest drew numerous creative proposals answering the call to suggest a “mod” that morphs Nokia’s powerful new Nokia N900 mobile computer into something new.

A panel of Nokia N900 and Maemo experts selected Niko, the Pit Crew and Bike Dashboard as the top three finalists. These three teams will now go on to build their proposed mods and then send a representative to CTIA Wireless in Las Vegas, where they will present their creations to a judging panel of industry experts for a chance to win top honors.

Niko the Robot pairs the Nokia N900 with Lego NXT building kit to create a robot that utilizes the Nokia N900 as its ‘brain.’ It will understand commands sent via Twitter to a specific handle, send feedback about the area around it as well as post pictures from the Nokia N900’s camera.

The Pit Crew plans to set up the Nokia N900 to be the brains behind a slot car in order to compete against human competitors. Using Python code and algorithms, the Pit Crew believes they can have a Nokia N900-controlled car beat a man-controlled car.

Bike Dashboard is an interesting idea too as it utilizes several different features of the Nokia N900. From the GPS to the camera, the team believes they can turn the Nokia N900 into a car-like dashboard. Showing a speedometer, odometer, mapping your route with GPS and even providing a car horn, this app might be everything a cyclist needs.

The global PUSH N900 competition held in October 2009 drew hundreds of entries and resulted in the construction of five widely varying mods. With finalists from both global and USA-focused competitions coming up with ideas that span a broad spectrum – from transforming the N900 into spray-can that emits light graffiti to the brains of a robot, as well as other very, very creative ideas – the capability of a truly open device such as the Nokia N900 has been a great source for innovation and creativity.

For more information or to read more about the PUSH N900 MOD IN THE USA finalists, please visit www.blogs.nokia.com/pushn900/usa

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