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HP rejects by op of the project of plane-table with OS Windows 7

The widely proclaimed plane-table of company NR on the basis of operating system Windows 7 can remain only project. About this reports the site Of techCrunch, referring to the source familiar with the problem. Announced plane-table HP Windows 7 not who by other as executive director Microsoft himself Steve [Ballmer], on the exhibition CES of this 2010 in January years. It was expected that the market the device will enter in the middle of year. But now it is reported that in NR of [neudovletvorenny] Windows 7 as the operating system for the mobile device.

The high energy consumption of hardware could become the reason for failure, which was based on the production Of intel. If company NR actually forewent the use of [chipsetov] Of intel, this automatically brought also to the failure of the use Windows 7 as the operating system. Moreover, project was announced at the moment, when the possibilities of chief competitor - Apple of iPad yet were not known, and to, which means, compare plane-table HP Windows 7 was not with which. At the same time on this week Of hewlett-Packard it acquired together with the company Of palm and her the operating system of webOS, which already it plans to inject on the plane-table devices. Everything this speaks, that the failure of Windows 7 is very probable, and the ways of the development of the direction of plane-table computers with other completion and operating systems for HP exist.
It did not thus far follow official reaction for this communication.

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