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Apple presents Safari 5

The company Of apple declared about the release Of safari 5, last version of Web browser with the new function Of safari Of reader, which makes it possible to read articles in the network without the excess interferences, and also the possibility of the selection Of google, Yahoo! or Bing as the basic search operation with the use Of safari. According to Apple, a rise in productivity in the new version in comparison with Safari 4 is 30 percent. Accessible both for Mac and for Windows, the browser Of safari 5 proposes the [usovershenstvovannye] tools for the developers and it supports more than ten most contemporary technologies of standard HTML5, which will allow Web- designers to create the dynamic sites saturated by drawing. With new In safari 5 developers also can create the protected expansions Of safari (Safari Of extensions), which ensure the additional possibilities of work in the Internet taking into account personal preferences.

Safari Of reader makes it possible with the ease and the convenience to read the Web- articles of any volume, reflecting them in the new regime: entire excess [kontent] and disorder are removed, and only necessary text with the possibility of warming up remains before the users. During the detection by the browser of article, the users Of safari 5 can harvest to the mark Of reader, located in “intellectual address line”, for the convenient mapping of entire text and continuous reading with the possibilities of tuning the size of type, printout and sending on the electronic mail.

Safari 5 uses the [usovershenstvovannoe] nucleus Of nitro Of javaScript, which makes it possible to increase the speed of the performance Of javaScript by 30 percent in comparison with Safari 4; by three percent in comparison with Chrome 5.0 and more than twice more rapid than Firefox 3.6. Safari 5 also more rapidly manages the load of new Web pages, because of the technology of forestalling [vyborki] DNS (system of domain names), and it also improves work with the cache, ensuring the more rapid load of the Web pages examined previously.

Safari 5 includes more than ten functions, based on the use of a standard HTML5, which makes possible for developers to inject in its projects the powerful graphic possibilities, such as the survey of [multimedia] in the [polnoekrannom] regime and subtitles on the requirement in video HTML5. Among other new functions, which use possibilities HTML5 in the Web browser Of safari it is 5th geo-positioning HTML5, divided elements HTML5, dragged over objects HTML5, confirmation of forms HTML5, tags HTML5 Of ruby, history HTML5 AJAX, and also EventSource and WebSocket.

New free software of developers for Safari makes possible for its participants to tune and to improve Safari 5 with the use of expansions, based on such Web- standards as HTML5, CSS3 JavaScript. The new expansion of components (Builder) into Safari 5 simplifies development, installation and layout of expansions. For increasing the level the safety and the stability, expansion Of safari are represented in the form isolated program medium, signed by digital certificate from Apple and started only in the browser.

Safari 5 can be free of charge loaded for Mac OS X and Windows on the site www.apple.com/ru/safari. For using Safari 5 on the computers Of mac is required the presence Of mac OS of X Leopard 10.5.8, Mac OS of X Snow Of leopard 10.6.2 or later version. For using Safari 5 on PC is necessary the presence Windows XP SP2, Windows Of vista or Windows 7, is not less than 256 Myu of memory and the processor Of intel Of pentium with a clock frequency not of less than 500 MHz.

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