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Megaphone begins in Siberia sale of the complete sets Of instant-SIM

The Siberian branch of joint stock company “megaphone” reported the beginning of sales of the complete sets Of instant-SIM by the name “the Internet without the concerns”. This complete set is the USB- modem Of e1550 and SIM- map, which it is possible to use without the filling of written agreement and presentation of passport.

The subscribers of Siberian megaphone have the capability to begin to use the [telematicheskimi] services (services of the transmission of data) immediately after the acquisition of USB- modem and special SIM- map. On the given SIM- maps are not provided vocal and [videovyzovy], SMS, MMS and entertaining services, are allowed only the services of the package transmission of data on the technology GPRS/EDGE/3G.

SIM- map activation is produced by subscriber independently during several minutes. When the buyer of complete set is already the subscriber of network megaphone, he can simple “tie” new SIM- map to his existing personal account. But if subscriber thus far was not attended in the network megaphone, it should pass with the address https://sim.megafonsib.ru (this can be made with the aid of the USB- modem, supplied in the complete set), to introduce number (MSISDN), PUK- code and independently specifications. Immediately SIM- map will be activated after this, and with its aid it will be possible to use the services of the transmission of data. Thus, entire process of SIM- map activation is produced by subscriber independently, it does not require rotation into the office of company, presentation of passport and filling of the paper copy of agreement.

The cost of the complete set Of instant-SIM is 850 rubles.

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