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MTS declared financial and operating sums for the first quarter of 2010

The operator of MTS declared the consolidated financial and operating results for the first quarter of 2010, which was ended on March 31, 2010. The consolidated gain of group MTS, nominated in the US dollars, grew in the first quarter of 2010 by 23,2% in comparison with the first quarter of 2009 to $2,614 billion. The consolidated index OIBDA on the group MTS in 1 quarter of 2010 grew in the annual calculation by 20,4% to $1,154 billion. [Marzha] OIBDA in the first quarter of 2010 on the group MTS composed 44,1%. The consolidated clean profit of group MTS in 1 quarter of 2010 was $381,3 million. The positive clean flow of money of company in the first three months of 2010 was $710 million.

Basic branch and corporate events in 1 sq. 2010 g and after the current date:

* Agreement “[Sberbankom]” about reduction in the interest rates on the credits for the sum total of 59 billion rubles, drawn in August and September 2009
* Agreement [s] “[Gazprombankom]” about reduction in the interest rates on the credit of €100 of millions with the period of pay-off in September 2012; on the credit to 6,46 billion rubles with the period of pay-off in September 2012 and along the renewed credit line to €100 of millions with the period of pay-off in September 2012; negotiations with respect to a change in the conditions of crediting are continued in May 2010.
* Discovery credit line in Moscow bank in the size of 22 billion rubles
* Early repayment of the credit “Of [sberbanka]” to 6 billion rubles and of the credit in the size of €413 of millions before the banking syndicate headed by the European bank of reconstruction and development ([EBRR])
* Early repayment of the [sinditsirovannogo] credit: basic sums on the credit also of percentages for sum of $373,8 of million and €247,6 of million
* In accordance with the solution OF [MMVB] the ruble bonds of the company of five releases, which are rotated on the market, are included in the quotation list “A” of the first level.
* Change since May 3, 2010 in the relationship between the American depository receipts (ADR), which are rotated on the New York Stock Market, and by the usual actions of company from that flowing 1:5 on the 1:2
* Ransom in April of its own ruble bonds of series 01 for the sum total of 7,1 billion rubles and series 02 for the sum total of 6,3 billion rubles
* In April brand MTS the third year is in a row acknowledged as the most expensive Russian brand in the yearly rating of hundred leading world brands BRANDZ™. In this year the brand MTS engaged in the rating 72- yu position with the cost Brenda $9,7 billion.
* Declaration in May 2010 about the conclusion of a treaty between the companies “Comstar- Oates”, “MGTS Of finance S.A. ”, by controlled joint stock company “COMSTAR- OATES”, and “[Rostelekom]” about sale “[Rostelekomu]” usual actions of joint stock company “the investment company of connection” (joint stock company “It [svyazinvest]”), that compose 25% of its regulation capital plus one [aktsiya]4, for 26 billion rub.
* Board of directors recommended the payment of dividends in 2009 in the size of 15,405 rubles to one usual nominal action joint stock company “of MTS” (either $1,00 to one [ADR]6), which in the sum is 30,70 billion rubles ($999,3 million) or 99% of clean profit of company in 2009 on [OPBU] of the USA or 75% of clean profit of company in 2009 on [OPBU] of the USA to the work of a series of [edinorazovykh] writings off.
* Board of directors defined list of nine candidatures into the board of directors of joint stock company “MTS”

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