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MTS starts program for the small business

The operator of mobile connection MTS reported the release of new proposal “finished office - complete set for the small business”, which allows, from his words, for corporate client to twice reduce expenditures for services to corporate mobile connection with connection of three and more than SIM- maps.

“Finished office - complete set for the small business” - the proposal, which includes three SIM- maps with the corporate tariff plan “business is network” and by the connected on each number special tariff options, which allow 50% reduction in the directions:

* “Urban and mobile numbers” - to all outgoing calls to the urban and mobile numbers of the operators “domestic” region;
* “Mobile Internet - 50%” - reduction to 50% to the cost Of gPRS-Internet of traffic on the tariff plan “business is network”, after the exception of the chosen access to the corporate network and GPRS-WAP.

License fee for each of tariff the options indicated is not collected per month connection, also, to the end of the following after it month. Subsequently the license fee begins to be copied in accordance with assignment conditions for tariff options.

If necessary client can additionally acquire the unlimited quantity of additional SIM- maps. In this case the license fee for the use of tariff options “urban and mobile numbers”, “mobile Internet - 50%” on the new numbers also will not be collected to the end of the month of connection and in the following after it month.

Connection/turning off of tariff options “urban and mobile numbers” and “the mobile Internet - 50%” is achieved free of charge. With the failure of the tariff options “urban and mobile numbers” and “mobile Internet - 50%” the cost of the outgoing bells and GPRS- traffic tariffs in accordance with the acting tariff plan “business network”.

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