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Orange supports new breed of business worker: The 5-9’er

Whether it’s starting a new business or hosting an international conference call, more people are finding their working lives evolving to include working between 5pm and 9am – creating a new breed of worker known as the ‘5-9’er’. While shift working is not a new practice, there are an increasing number of individuals who are opting for a flexible working style based outside of the traditional office hours.

To help people make the most of their time whenever they chose to work, Orange has teamed-up with productivity expert, Sebastian Bailey, co-founder of The Mind Gym to develop some top tips for making the most of work productivity outside traditional office hours:

* If you’re a late worker, it’s important to get some daylight when you’re awake so if you can, go out and get some fresh air. If you find it difficult to sleep during the day, using blackout blinds when you sleep can make a big difference to ensuring you get your much needed shut-eye
* Make sure you have at least seven to eight hours of uninterrupted sleep in every 24 hours
* Avoid eating a large meal during your working hours. It pays to snack on something healthy (fruit, nuts) every couple of hours
* To improve your productivity and make the most of your time, spot which part of your working schedule seems to drag and use this time to do your favourite activity instead
* Use the time when you have most energy (usually the beginning of your work session) to take on your toughest work challenges
* Keep the same routine for as long as possible. Month on, month off is far better for work productivity than alternating every couple of days

An estimated 5 million* entrepreneurs are already participating in the 5-9’er practice to invest in their own business while maintaining their ‘day’ job. However, it is not just entrepreneurs that are using their evenings to be more productive; more and more large businesses are making the most of the 24-hour clock to deal with the demands of working across international time zones. Additionally, increasing commuting costs and personal preference are contributing to employees seeking to change their office hours to better fit their needs. The productivity benefits of flexible working are supported by the employment industry, with the CIPD believing that all workers should have the right to request some form of flexible working by 2013.**

In response to this growing trend in non-traditional working hours, Orange recently launched a new range of mobile broadband plans to give customers more flexibility when they choose to work. These include the Business Everywhere 5 to 9 plan with unlimited data for customers who want to work between the hours of 5pm and 9am, as well as weekends. Since launch, its popularity has been demonstrated with an increasing number of customers taking the business plan, highlighting the fact that customers are operating during these times and choosing to better manage their own working routines. The Business Everywhere plans also include plans for unlimited data usage at any time of day, as well as unlimited data during the standard 9am-5pm office hours.

"When it comes to finding the most productive time for those working outside ‘normal’ office hours, it comes down to a question of control. In all the work we do, control and the perception that we actually have it contributes to increased morale, creativity and commitment to the task in hand. There are lots of ways to achieve control, whether it’s through better organisation or the latest technology and when you have it, you’re less prone to stress and can balance your work and life commitments,” said Eugene Farrell, employment health expert and chairman of the Employee Assistance Professionals Association.

“We’ve seen a steady increase in the number of customers choosing a mobile plan which focuses on them working outside the traditional office hours. It is clear that we’re no longer operating solely in a 9-5 working environment, but in one which offers staff greater flexibility and choice. The wide range of mobile working tools which are now available, such as dongles, mobile internet, and smart phones, means that it is now more simple than ever before for businesses of all sizes to work when and where it suits them best,” said Martin Lyne, director of small and medium business, Orange UK.

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