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“Safe driving”: the new standard solution in the rule “auto-Tracker”

Company “Russian navigation technologies” declared about the completion of development and the beginning of advance on the Russian market for the new standard solution “safe driving”. As company declares, this solution, oriented for the large organizations, allows, relying on objective given, to estimate the individual style of the work of drivers. On this basis the enterprise can increase the effectiveness of motivation system, improve statistics and decrease probability [DTP] with the severe consequences, obtain the more advantageous conditions of the insurance of transport, increase its service life, and also reduce idle times and expenditures, connected with the repair and the maintenance. Producer notes that at present the solution “safe driving” does not have analogs on the Russian market.

The solution “safe driving” uses the same infrastructure (intellectual onboard blocks, the sensors of global positioning, the data-transmission system and control center), which compulsorily is created with the introduction in the enterprise of the system of monitoring transport “auto-Tracker”. In this case the new solution does not require auxiliary equipment or devices: it suffices to only establish the special “piercing” of onboard blocks and to connect to them odometers TS, and control center to equip with the corresponding extended packet of reports.

System “safe driving” automatically records high-speed regime, abrupt decelerations and accelerations, reformation and turnings, shaking and other parameters of motion, which increase the probability of emergencies and [DTP] or creating the risk of the accelerated wear of different units and aggregates of transportation means, disturbance of the permissible conditions of the transport of load. In particular, system controls the use of a belt of safety and neighbor light, conducts the periodical of emergencies and idle times, connected with the repair and the maintenance of transport. Furthermore, in the machine not only acts “alarming button”, but also works the automatic notification of dispatcher about the emergency, but it, in turn, can be connected with the driver and, if necessary, cause the colleagues of the State Inspectorate for Road Traffic Safety, first aid, the agent of insurance company and services, which ensure the safety of load. Also system “safe driving” automatically preserves the detailed [posekundnuyu] record of the moment of emergency (section, the novice in 20 seconds and which is concluded 20 seconds after emergency). This record can be exceptionally useful with the detailed selection of situation.

In the control center assembled primary data undergo statistical analysis, the integrated indices of motion are calculated by the special formulas, and the obtained information is used in the reports. Naturally, collection and data processing are personified, in particular, it is possible to assign the individual thresholds of speed and acceleration. Furthermore, rate setting results taking into account the specified graph of high-speed regime (state and corporate), time of year and state of road surface, passage of the dangerous sections of road and others is possible.

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