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“TELE2 Russia” reported in the first half-year

The Russian office of European telecommunication company TELE2 AB declared the consolidated results of its activity in Russia in the sums of the second quarter and first half-year of 2010.

During the second quarter of 2010, after nine months after commercial starting, two new regions - Tula Orel - reached the point of freedom of loss on EBITDA, demonstrating, thus, which the operating development of companies in the new regions goes by the anticipating rates. Previously TELE2 AB assumed that the output to the freedom of loss on EBITDA takes place for two years from the moment of the starting of network into the commercial operation.

“TELE2 Russia” continues to follow its strategy, in accordance with which strengthening positions in the new regions is supported by an increase in the financial indices in the ripe regions. The number of subscribers for the second quarter of 2010 increased by 1 113 000 users (478 000 - on the sums of the 2nd quarter of 2009), including by 686 000 - due to the new regions (128 000 - on the sums of the 2nd quarter of 2009). Joint user base “TELE2 Russia”, due to the state on June 30, 2010, composed 16 513 000 people, which is higher 33 percent than by year it is earlier. Only in the recent 12 months the pure inflow of subscribers comprised more than 4 million people, tentatively on 1 million each quarter, which distinctly indicates [vostrebovannost] of services to company in Russia.

An increase in the user base had an effect also on an increase in the financial indices. Thus, operating gain in the second quarter of 2010 grew by 42 percent, in comparison with the 2nd quarter of last year, and exceeded 10 billion rubles. EBITDA (profit to the deduction of taxes, percentages and depreciation allowances) in 17 ripe regions exceeded 4 billion rubles (2.9 billion rubles within the analogous period of last year), which corresponds to profitability in size of 45% (40% in the 2nd quarter of 2009). The same index in the new regions was -227 million rubles (- 308 million rubles by year earlier). An increase in the index EBITDA as a whole on Russia composed 45% of percent, in the ripe regions - 37%. The volume of capital expenditures (CAPEX) in the second quarter was 1.3 billion rubles (2.2 billion rubles - in the second quarter of 2009). Company expects that in the second half-year of 2010 the volume of the mastered investments will be increased, the total volume of investments, planned to 2010 and 2011, it will remain before - to 20 billion rubles.

In spite of an active increase in the user base in the new regions, in which the consumption of services in the initial stage is lower, MoU (average quantity of utilized minutes) as a whole on Russia grew by 7%, in comparison with the analogous period of last year, and it was 232 minutes (217 minutes by year earlier). ARPU (average income from one subscriber) increased by 5% in the ruble calculation and was 217 rubles (207 - in the 2nd quarter of 2009).

The key event of the second quarter of 2010 became an organization change “TELE2 Russia”: the creation of five macros-region instead of those locating is earlier than three, the transfer of macro-regional administrative commands into the regional centers, and also the creation of consultational council. In the second quarter TELE2 Russia satisfied the condition for the world agreements, concluded with [Roskomnadzorom]. In June 2010 company signed memorandum about the state-private partnership with the government of Leningrad region.

In the first half-year of 2010 operating gain increased by 39%, in comparison with the first half-year of 2009, and it was order 20 billion rubles. EBITDA as a whole on Russia grew by 41%, after exceeding 6.7 billion rubles. The volume of capital expenditures within this period was 1.8 billion rubles.

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