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"Cloud" services Amazon Cloud Drive and Cloud Player

Amazon launched a service company play streaming music Cloud Player . He works as a web-browser on both PC and Mac (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari and Chrome), and on smart phones running the operating system Android. Cloud Player for Android application is integrated with Amazon MP3, through which you can also buy music at Amazon MP3 Store. The service supports audio formats such as AAC and MP3, and music it can take from this server Amazon, which users download it by another new service - Amazon Cloud Drive.

Cloud Drive - an online storage service data, which you can download not only music but videos, photos, documents and so forth. It is true that access to it can only be obtained through the web-browser on your computer. Available free of charge up to 5 GB of file storage or 20 GB when buying from online retailers Amazon a music album. If the user wants to increase volume, then for 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 or 1000 GB, he will have to pay $ 20, $ 50, $ 100, $ 200, $ 500 or $ 1000 per year, respectively. In this new music purchased at Amazon MP3, the user can be stored in a Cloud Drive for free, it is not included in these fee-based quotas.

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