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Collaborative research projects win Gold Excellence Award at Celtic-Plus Event 2011

Nokia Siemens Networks-led collaborative research projects contributed to development of 100 Gigabit Ethernet Transport and IMT-Advanced technologies

Two collaborative research projects led by Nokia Siemens Networks have been awarded the Award of Excellence in Gold by the Celtic Core Group at the 2011 Celtic-Plus* Event in Heidelberg, Germany on March 29. The Celtic Core Group selected 100 Gigabit Ethernet Transport Technologies** (100GET) and Wireless World Initiative New Radio +*** (WINNER+) for the award for outstanding research performance and contribution to world-wide standardization. Nokia Siemens Networks led the WINNER+ project and the second phase of the 100GET project.

The outcome of the 100GET project is expected to enable operators to cost-efficiently increase the transmission capacity of transport networks, and provide a high bandwidth and quality to effectively meet the data deluge.

By fostering consensus building in standardization, the WINNER+ project has paved the way for more efficient future radio access technologies as part of IMT-Advanced wireless technology.

“Nokia Siemens Networks believes that the communication industry has a responsibility to enable the growth of other industries and improve the quality of life for individuals,” said Hossein Moiin, chief technology officer of Nokia Siemens Networks. “Collaborative research projects such as Celtic 100GET and WINNER+ verify new technology approaches and prepare the ground for achieving consensus in standardization at an early stage, before commercialization. Nokia Siemens Networks is highly committed to continuous innovation and collaboration on joint R&D projects with governments, industry players, research organizations and universities across the world.”

The 100GET project designed and verified new networking concepts and physical layer technologies for 100 Gbps Ethernet-based transport networks. One of the key achievements of this project is development of new optical technologies that enable spectrally-efficient 100 Gbps transmission and the re-use of existing fiber, in addition to the development of low-cost transponders that feature low power consumption.

Another key achievement of this project is the adoption of Internet protocols and concepts in transport networks to simplify network operations. The project also developed a multi-modal approach, wherein cost-efficient network planning and deployment as well as network operation and management assume significance along with development of a new technology, to reduce capital and operating costs for operators.

The collaborative research project WINNER+ evaluated, further developed and optimized technologies to improve International Mobile Telecommunication-Advanced (IMT-Advanced) standards. The research was focused on Advanced Radio Resource Management (RRM), spectrum technologies, Network Coding and relaying, device-to-device communications, Multiple-Antenna Systems and Coordinated Multipoint. The project also significantly contributed to the global evaluation process for IMT-Advanced proposals in the Radio Telecommunication Sector of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU-R). This contribution comprised evaluation according to ITU-R requirements and extensive simulations.

As the WINNER+ project partners agreed on basic concepts and algorithms, and basically adopted these results for their contributions to 3GPP for LTE and IMT-Advanced, the project results were exploited by 3GPP for a smooth and fast development of LTE toward a world-wide accepted standard. The results show that collaborative research in the pre-commercialization phase of a new technology is an important means of consensus building for future standards.

Apart from leading the WINNER+ project and the second phase of the 100GET project, Nokia Siemens Networks also led one of the 100GET sub-projects developing the conceptual design, components, network optimization methods and automation technologies of a cost-efficient 100 Gbps transport platform for Carrier-grade Ethernet and IP services.

The outcomes of these projects are joint achievements of the collaborative research by the consortium partners comprising telecom operators, vendors and other companies, universities, and research institutions. The results are being implemented by the project partners into their areas of business and respective portfolios, eventually benefiting the whole telecom industry and end users.

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