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The new service is "Parental Control" from Kyivstar for mobile phone

Ukrainian mobile operator Kyivstar announced the launch of new services "Parental Control", which, in his words, protects children from online threats while accessing the Internet from your mobile phone. Technical solution based on a list of safe sites, as reported by operator, designed for the first time in the Ukrainian telecom market and is provided free to clients of Kyivstar.

The service is "Parental Control" gives you access to a mobile phone only to the list of safe and useful resources for children. At launch, the list consists of 44 sites - an educational and entertaining. Web resources have been proposed customers and employees of Kyivstar and are recommended for children by experts of the Institute of Psychology. Kostyuk NAPN Ukraine.

To install the service, simply dial the mobile phone child USSD-query * 100 * 5 * 1 * XXXX # where XXXX - parental password, and press the call button. Connection and use of free services to all customers of prepaid customers and Kyivstar djuice.

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