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550 terabytes of data downloaded Ural MegaFon subscribers every month

Operator MegaFon has summed up the development of third generation network in the Urals in the first quarter of 2011. In the period from January to March, Internet traffic flowing through the 3G-network, increased by 61% compared with 4 quarter of 2010.

In this case, 87% data-traffic passing through a network of 3G, while a year ago this figure was at least 40%. With high-speed Internet access subscribers Urals operator monthly upload more than 550 terabytes, and the average data transfer rate of 1.7 Mbps.

From the beginning, the number of 3G base stations has increased by 15%, today the reliability of the service provided more than 2,150 base stations of a new generation. Subscribers more than 680 settlements of the Great Urals have the opportunity to take advantage of advanced services and technologies. Demand for quick access to the resources of a global network and confirms the increased load on a single base station for 3G - in 1 quarter of 2011 this figure rose to 22% compared with the average last year.

In comparison with the previous quarter for the first three months of 2011 to 39% increase in the number of subscribers who prefer unlimited Internet access. The most popular option "Unlimited Internet Basic" (speed up to 128 kbps) and "Unlimited Internet Optimum" (speed up to 512 kbit / s) connection that has grown in 2 times. Also shows good momentum service "Unlimited Internet with Opera mini», designed for fans of the browser - the number of subscribers, users increased by 19%.

Recall that over 60% of the city of 3G base stations an operator in the Urals are connected to a fiber-optic links (FOL) ensures network reliability and high throughput.

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