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Dell introduce Android-tablet with a 10-inch screen in summer

Company Dell, apparently, this summer is going to provide a tablet computer that is running on Android before its analog running Windows. It is reported that a 10-inch model, presumably Dell Streak 10, will be released in mid-June. It became known that the estimate on which such a device can enter the market only in early 2012, was overly pessimistic. Actual term readiness model - early summer, that is three months before previously planned to submit a similar model, but is running from Microsoft. Exactly when the tablet goes on sale and will be rescheduled if the announcement of Windows-version is not yet clear. Likely that the sale of Android-pill go before the end of the summer.

Official reports from Dell on this issue has not yet followed. It is known that the company had decided not to release the tablet from Android 2.2, going directly to version 3.0, which is caused not only the position of Google, but also objective difficulties adapting proprietary interface Stage to two very different versions of Android. However, this solution greatly reduces the program preparation device, because Google has not yet opened resources Android 3.0. It is assumed that the new tablet will inherit the Nvidia Tegra platform 2 from Dell Streak 7, and hence will have the same performance potential as the earlier model. Benefits can only be due to the OS. Virtually, while Dell has fit in time for the release of his plate in the first wave of similar devices running Android 3.0.

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