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Dr.Web million downloads on Android Market

Doctor Web, "reported that the April 11, 2011 was passed" one million mark in number of downloads of Dr.Web for Android at Android Market. Particular success users have free version - Dr.Web for Android Light. In their responses, most of them converge in the opinion that the product does not "ship" system and to perform its functions. To date, Dr.Web for Android Light enters the top 50 free apps Russian version of Android Market.

At the same time growing in popularity and the paid version - Dr.Web for Android anti-spam (it cost - $ 4.99). Of particular interest to users is the anti-spam feature, which allows not only to form a permanent blacklist of calls and SMS, but also to prohibit or allow incoming calls and messages from a particular group of contacts at a certain time.

Recall that the Dr.Web for Android, along with software products of Dr.Web for Windows Mobile and Symbian is included in the Dr.Web Mobile Security Suite, which can be licensed free of charge to all purchasers of Dr.Web for workstations. In this version of Dr.Web for Android Light is free for all, irrespective of whether other products are purchased by Dr.Web.

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