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In Russia launched the first service to sell PDF-versions of periodicals

In commercial operation launched Internet service YourPress.ru, who was the first in Russia makes it possible to buy electronic versions of newspapers and magazines in PDF. Purchased from a service YourPress.ru PDF-file available for free viewing on multiple devices. Due to the absence of costs for printing and distribution of publications, service YouPress can purchase electronic copies of the media by 20-30% cheaper than the paper versions. At www.yourpress.ru any Internet user can buy the official version of Russian publications. Complete digital copies of the daily, weekly and monthly newspapers and magazines are in PDF format and appear on the server simultaneously with admission to the sale of paper versions of publications. To read the latest press on the screen of a desktop computer, netbook, tablet or smartphone must be running a simple free program, and bukridery in mass support work with PDF by default.

The beta version of the service YourPress tested for four months - from December 1, 2010. From 1 April 2011 users have access to the full version of the resource with all the possible options and the final functional and complete catalog of online services consultant. The service "Your Media" offers the latest, fresh rooms, as well as archives of all in the catalog of publications. The total number of media available on the website www.yourpress.ru, reaches 60. Payment for service may be made by electronic money (WebMoney, «Yandex" and others), plastic cards VISA and MasterCard, through payment terminals (QIWI, «Elecsnet and others), SMS-payments by mobile phone and a money transfer system Contact . Each new user to the commercial version is available YourPress welcome-bonus of 50 rubles to the personal account, you can spend on the acquisition of PDF-versions of publications.

The development plans of service - further expanding catalog of Russian newspapers and magazines to at least 150 titles by the end of 2011, deepening the archive (adding back issues for 2005-2010). In addition, the planned addition of a catalog of the most popular foreign periodicals in several languages, including English, German, French and Spanish. According to some experts, the world market for electronic media in 2010 reached $ 25 billion. By the end of 2012, Russia may take up to 5% of the market.

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