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Learn how to make Xperia™ PLAY games through design3 training videos

With the revolutionary release of the Xperia™ PLAY into the mobile gaming ecosystem, we are excited to work with design3 to offer training videos designed to help Sony Ericsson developers move their projects from concept to delivery as fast as possible. Read more about design3’s exciting offerings after the jump.

Are you interested in learning how to make games for the Xperia™ PLAY? Need more information on Unity and Android development training? design3 has the right solution for any developer. design3 is game development portal that streams HD training videos to studios and indie developers. They have hundreds of hours of material accessible with a $20 monthly subscription. design3’s Training Center covers a variety of 3D tools, game engines, and middlewares, including all those necessary to create games for Sony Ericsson devices.

design3’s first piece of advice to developers is to use the Unity engine, which provides an easy way to get games onto a device like the Xperia™ PLAY. Not only is the Unity Engine flexible and easy to learn, it also supports three scripting languages: JavaScript, C#, and a dialect of Python called Boo. In addition, Sony Ericsson’s partnership with their Union initiative makes it easier for developers to get their games distributed. Unity has a free commercial license that you can use with design3’s Unity tutorial videos to learn the tool, and you can upgrade to their Android license once you’re ready to distribute your game. Even novice programmers should have little trouble getting up to speed, as JavaScript especially is fairly easy to understand, and the syntax may be familiar to those of you with web coding experience. The asset pipeline is just drag-and-drop, and all major 3D, 2D, and audio formats are supported.

In the following tutorial, design3 has one of Unity’s engineers show you how to start an Android developer account, install the Android SDK, and set up a mobile device for Android development builds:


So where can you go from here? design3 has a great deal of existing material on Android development, multi-touch and accelerometer input scripting, and basic and intermediate Unity skills, and they’ll also be offering a video tutorial on Unity’s Xperia™ PLAY input API in the future. Stay tuned to Developer World for future updates on design3’s tips and training for the Xperia™ PLAY developer community.

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