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Motorola Bullet and Jet: Quad smartphones NVIDIA Tegra 3

Company Motorola Mobility, rumored to be preparing to release two smartphones based on quad-core CPU NVIDIA Tegra 3 (Kal-El). Models are called Motorola Bullet and Jet, apparently, they will be among the first devices based on new powerful chip. Smartphone Motorola Bullet, if you believe the source is equipped with a 4.3-inch touch screen with a resolution 960h540 points. He also has provided 1 or 1,5 GB RAM, 16 GB of flash memory, support for NFC (Near Field Communication) and 12-megapixel camera.

In turn, Motorola Jet - a similar model with the same basic features, including memory, NFC, and the camera, with only a 4-inch touch screen (resolution is analogous). At the same time, the Motorola Bullet no keyboard, while Motorola Jet - is probably, QWERTY. First, the market will be a model Motorola Bullet, and only then - Motorola Jet, both names are coded, ie, the final will be different. Both smartphones run on Android and seem to support the network LTE, and hence are designed for the U.S. operator Verizon. It is not clear when they come out, but we can assume that no sooner than the end of this year.

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