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MTS and the administration of the Lipetsk region have entered into the socio-economic partnership

Operator MTS and the Administration of Lipetsk Region announced a strategic partnership within the framework of programs aimed at socio-economic development. Investments in the development of the MTS network in the Lipetsk region in 2011 will be about 400 million rubles.

Head of Administration of Lipetsk region, Oleg Korolyov, and director of the MTS Centre Dmitry Rylov signed an agreement on socio-economic partnership. Under the agreement, MTS will upgrade the network infrastructure in the region - the program provides full-scale replacement of equipment radiopodsistemy and switching, integrated software upgrade and capacity expansion of the transport network. Program implementation will be completed in the fourth quarter of 2011.

MTS has built a network of "third generation" in Lipetsk, Yelets, Lebedyan and Mud City. In the first half of 2011 the operator plans to launch 3G in nine new settlements: Dancoff, Zadonsk, Dobrinka, Chaplygin, Stanovoi, Good. Izmalkovo, Hlevnom and settlement Leo Tolstoy. Until the end of 2011, MTS plans to launch 3G network in all regional centers of the Lipetsk region. Also in the plans of the company until the end of the year to expand GSM network coverage in remote areas of the region and the entire length of highways of the federal and regional significance.

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