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Number of users of Opera Mini exceeded the 104.2 million people

Company Opera Software has released its traditional report on the statistics of the mobile Internet with Opera Mini. In mid-March, all eyes were fixed on the international community to Japan, to which the tsunami struck, caused by the most powerful earthquake in the history of the country. Millions of people in those tragic days looking for information on the impact and devastation of relatives and friends who find themselves at the epicenter of events.

Surge in visits to news sites was observed around the clock, which, in general, quite predictable. March 11 Twitter and the Japanese Meteorological Service website attracted a huge number of users trying to get the latest information about events. Two days later, the company's website TEPCO, Fukushima nuclear power plant owner, was in the top ten most visited Japanese web resources - it came to get information about the nuclear crisis and rolling blackouts of electricity in Tokyo.

Other data for March 2011:

Last month, the number of users of Opera Mini exceeded the 104.2 million people, which turned out to be 14.1% more than in February. During the year the number of users has increased by 85,4%.
In the Top 20 largest by number of users of Opera Mini regions have been many changes. Nigeria has captured 5 th place, ahead of China, Mexico has risen to 11 th position, ahead of Belarus, Egypt - 16 th, and Bangladesh - to 19-th. The largest region by number of unique users of Opera Mini is Russia. Ukraine occupies the 4-th line, and Kazakhstan - 14 th.
In Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, the most visited resources - social network Vkontakte. In Kazakhstan, he is only 4-th position, and the first belongs Mail.Ru.

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