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Russia's announcement of laptops Samsung 9 Series

Samsung Electronics Company presented on the Russian market of laptops ninth series with screen sizes 13 inches. Weight of new items just 1.31 kg, and a thickness of 16 mm. Notebooks Samsung 9 series poctupili on sale in the Russian market in April 2011 at an estimated price of 59,999 rubles.

Laptops 9 series created duralumin, lightweight material, more than twice as durable than aluminum. Laptop case, as claimed by the manufacturer, were a huge number of tests and showed good results in strength tests.

The new screen SuperBright Plus, displaying more than 16 million colors, is designed to improve system performance. Using light sensors, the technology of Auto Display Brightness determines the level of lighting around the laptop and automatically adjusts the display backlight. Thus, we achieve optimal for the user's eyes bright and stored battery power. This technology is supplemented with backlit keyboard, adapted to the level of ambient light.

New laptops are equipped with processors of the second generation Intel Core i7/i5, supporting up to 8 GB of RAM and technology Intelligent Turbo Boost 2.0. Proprietary technology Fast Booting (start the laptop from the off state) allows users to start working at the computer after 12 seconds after launch.

As a device to store information on laptops Samsung 9 series uses solid-state drive (SSD) capacity of 128/256 GB, through which reduced noise and heat, and also allows the computer out of sleep mode in just 3 seconds.

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