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Samsung ST93: stylish 16 megapixel camera with greater functionality

Samsung Electronics announced the release to market a compact, stylish and functional camera ST93. New additions to range of ultra-thin cameras, ST, has a dual image stabilizer, 16-megapixel sensor and 26-mm wide angle lens with optical zoom, 5x. Camera supports the Smart Filter (« Smart Filter "), which opens to the users of new opportunities for creativity.

Novelty has a very thick (17.5 mm), which allows it to fit in a pocket or purse, and a lens with an intelligent filter, and a wide range of options ensures high-quality stills and video. Among the features ST93 manufacturer notes the existence of his regime "Thumbnail", "Vignetting" that adds to the photo composite contrast, as well as a variety of effects, such as "Soft Focus". One option predictive filter - "halftone dots" - allows you to take pictures with the effects of comic books, and variants of the color palette give the opportunity to experiment with color. In addition, the regime of "Stitch Assist" provides a wide-angle pictures without much effort.

New camera records HD-video (720p/30 frames per second), where during the movie, you can use Optical 5-fold zoom. In addition, the ST93 model has a "Pause while recording.

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