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Sony Ericsson XPERIA X10 bootloader cracked

Ok, here we go. It wasn't the April Fool thingy

The bootloader has been bypassed using the kexec/miniloader method

We are able to boot custom kernels now!

I'll keep it short as I'm quite busy today... I haven't had much luck with disabling MPU nor resetting a MCPU - it failed no matter what I did. Same thing with porting shutdown procedures into miniloader. But when I found out that the custom kernel doesn't reboot on baseband 52, I switched to the .504 sources and restarted the work. Using the debugfs tips by Goroh, I realised some stuff I'd rather to keep in between the developers here... And then *poof* - the green USB led appeared and I knew I was getting there!

Anyway... this is the first release of the fully working custom kernel (flashable via xRecovery). I haven't had much time to work on it so it's kind of proof-of-concept. Tested for 48h without any problem (not even a reboot).



This is the alpha version of custom 2.6.29 kernel based on the SE sources. I do not plan to work on this release anymore - it is just for testing purpose. From today on I'll start to port SE stuff to the latest (GBread) kernel.


- removed 32 fps cap
- implemented netfilter (Droid wall, native USB/wifi tethering etc.)
- undervolted to 0.950mV to save battery
- don't remember what else I did, I bet something nasty
- super ugly boot logo!


- baseband .52 + the relevant kernel
- clean 2.1 ROM, compatibile with .52 baseband (e.g. .504)
- working xRecovery

Please note I am not responsible for any damage this software may cause to your device! Use it at your own risk!

There is absolutely no support for this alpha release!

Big thanks to (no particular order): Goroh_kun, Jerpelea, Bin4ry, Maxrfon, Biktor_gj and everybody else who contributed into X10 custom kernel development.

At first the relevant kernel patches/sources will be delivered to the recognised X10 developers. Later on everything will be released as it's obviously Open Sourced.


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