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Beeline launches 3G-network in the villages of Stavropol Territory

Operator VimpelCom (TK Beeline) has announced the commercial launch of 3G-network and expanding network coverage in some localities of the Stavropol Territory.
In 2011 the first residents Izobilny area: art. Christmas, s.Tischenskoe, Art. Staroizobilnaya, s.Moskovskoe; Novoaleksandrovsk Area: c. Krasnozorinsky, Art. Rasshevatskaya, Art. Grigoropolisskaya, n. Temizhbeksky; Kirov district: art. Marinskaya, Art. Zolskaya, Art. Sovetskaya p.Komsomolets, Blagodarnenskogo District: s.Arhangelskoe, pp. Sotnikovskoe, pp. Departed from. Spassky; Shpakovsky area: with. Hope, pp. Pelagiada, P. Demin, Art. Novomarevskaya, Art. Temnolesskaya became available to service high-speed data network 3G.

In particular, a network of third-generation of its launch in Kochubeevskoe, Levokumskom, Soviet, Grachevsky, Kursk, Apanasenkovsky, Neftekumsk, Petrovsky, Andropov, Ipatovskom, Trunovskom and Novoseletsky districts of the region. Thus, the network 3G «Beeline covers most areas of the Stavropol Territory, and now residents of settlements connected services are available high-speed wireless data transmission at speeds up to 7.2 Mbps.

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