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MegaFon offers Internet access abroad for domestic price

Operator MegaFon launches tariff option "Internet abroad on domestic prices."Now access to mobile Internet roaming costs 7 rubles per 1 MB - as well as in Russia.The option is connected indefinitely and with no monthly fees.

This option applies to a number of countries - the popular holiday destinations of Russians.They include Denmark, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Turkey, Ukraine, Finland, Sweden and Estonia.In the future this list will grow.

Connection fee option "internet abroad by home price" is 10 rubles.The subscription fee is absent, and duration of action is not limited.Connect option, you can use self-service "Service Guide», SMS-text messages from 1 to number 0500913 or call to that number.

Recall that from June 1, 2011 in 27 countries operating the service "Preferential roaming" (Austria, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Great Britain, Egypt, Georgia, Hungary, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Norway , Slovenia, Turkey, Ukraine, Finland, France, Croatia, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Sweden and Estonia).In connecting, the cost of incoming calls abroad amounts to 15 rubles per minute, coming to Russia - 25 rubles per minute, SMS, and 100 KB of internet traffic are 7 rubles.No subscription fees, service connection costs 100 rubles, and it operates within a week.

In countries where available, and "Preferential roaming" and "Internet abroad on domestic prices" can be connected to both the options simultaneously.

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