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MTS federal launch an interactive educational portal for schools

MTS operator at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, announced the launch with the support of the federal information-analytical center of Moscow Department of Education's special portal for the Russian schools - a comprehensive solution for operational cooperation between all participants in the educational process, accessible by mobile phone, tablet or any other personal IT-devices.

The project is implemented through public-private partnership.To date, the project connected to more than 900 schools in 20 regions across the country.To continue to participate actively in the project schools of various subjects of the federation.

As the operator, an educational portal, developed in cooperation of MTS and information-analytical center of Moscow Department of Education, is designed to realize the integration of numerous interactive features of the educational process, to ensure prompt notification of parents about the school life of a child, to provide communication between teachers and parents, as well as increase level of information security schools.

To increase the efficiency of interaction among participants in the educational process, a portal accessible from any mobile device users of mobile phones, tablets, or any other personal IT-devices, and features a mobile version does not differ from full-fledged web interface.In the long term solution will be complemented by a separate application for mobile devices.

In the test operation (until 2011) services and content in the project free of charge for schools and parents.Since 2012 a number of additional services will be charged.Later MTS plans to expand the functionality of basic services, as well as the organization registration plates cost for students and e-books with the already established programs and the necessary educational content.

Educational Opportunities Portal:

Electronic portfolio - keeping a cool magazine with information about the statistics of attendance and achievement in the subjects of each student and the personal diary of a student with actual date calendar of classes (with the schedule of the workshops, clubs and elective courses) on-line information about the child assessments in the subjects and information about jobs at home and teacher comments to them;
Possibility of interactive communication with teachers, parents;
The system of custom SMS-alerts to parents and newsletters on behalf of the school;
The largest database of educational and developmental content presented in the form of e-books, audio and video files - electronic textbooks, teaching and learning aids, fiction set in the school curriculum, popular periodicals, entertainment and special developmental content for children, free from "adult "Topics: games, videos, music;
Geoservices to determine the location of the child's parents, and to determine the location of friends at school;
Controlling access to the school allows parents to monitor online time, attendance and the presence of a student in school;
Electronic order food remotely allows students to order lunch in the dining room, using a cell phone or tablet, and parents to monitor the budget on food.

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