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Next Nokia S40 will 1GHz processors and capacitive touch screen Clear Black Leer completo en: Los próximos Nokia S40 tendrán procesadores de 1GHz y p

Besides trying to make a successful transition of Symbian to Windows Phone in the segment of smartphones, other paw important strategy are the teams with Nokia Series 40 for "emerging" markets.

For this, in Nokia Connection 2011 which will be held on June 21 Mary McDowell in Singapore who will reveal "Nokia's strategy around mobile phones, including the global launch of new mobile devices and related services."And now from Argentina comes forward information that would be such launches ...

"And if I tell the # q # S40 Nokia will have 1Ghz processors?" , launched from your account Twitter Fernando Freytes, Manager of Marketing Services at Nokia Argentina.

Then, I was surprised and asked that information a little more to the executive who revealed that the next Nokia S40 will "1Ghz CPU, 512 RAM, Black Clear capacitive touchscreen, QWERTY, WiFi, 3G HSDPA, app store, messaging and more! " .

Then Freytes said models can not speak but "soon" we will find out so it appears that the June 21 news and have higher expectations as to leave said, "we get to # ecosystem where others fail! " .

In the photo above I put the Nokia C2-06 ​​leaked this week and if this is confirmed by Nokia will be marked, once again, a milestone in performance and features of the low-end phones.


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