Moscow to host international forum of developers Apps4all
More than five hundred of the best Russian developers of applications, a world-renowned experts, mobile device manufacturers and organizations, accumulating advanced technologies will gather at the site of the Center Digital October, to discuss prospects for the creation and dissemination of multi-platform applications. Among the participants in the business of the Forum representatives of leading companies of the IT market: «Microsoft Russia", "Kaspersky Lab», «Softline», «Adobe Systems», «Sota-Interactive", "RUSNANO"; authoritative public organization: Foundation "Skolkovo" , "Center for Entrepreneurship - Russia", "Zvorykinsky project," "Support of Russia." The event supports the country's leading universities (Higher School of Economics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Bauman. Bauman). In preparation for the Forum for high school students organized the project "IDEA ≥ 1 million": a series of workshops with leading experts of the Competition developers of mobile applications Apps4all. "Our task - to help new developers. We would like to interest those who are just thinking, motivate to action those who thought up and share experiences with those who are already working in this area "- said Alexander Vassiliev, executive director of Apps4All. In the framework of the International Forum of developers will be summing up the Competition Apps4All which started in late December 2011. In addition to awarding ceremony, organizers will offer participants a rich business program, divided into five main panels. Particular attention is paid to the organizers intend to Apps4All promoting start-ups. Beginners and professionals, developers will be able to present their projects to the court expert in the section "The Battle of start-ups." In addition, participants will demonstrate a number of interesting new products - mobile and prilozheniy.Generalnye Information Partners Forum: Interfax news agency, magazine ComputerBild, as well as the portal Nomobile. ru All those wishing to take part in the International Forum Apps4all developers to register on the official website:
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