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"Kaspersky Lab" patented technology to protect the data on the affected system

The company "Kaspersky Lab" said about getting in Russian patent describes a technology protection programs and the data processed by them while working on the infected computer. In a situation when a malicious object is entered into the operating system, developed by the company solution provides application-specific isolation of the infected environment.

Patented "Kaspersky Lab" technology prevents the interception of data during processing in a client application, such as the browser used by putting the program in a safe environment, so-called "sandbox."

The technology, developed by Vyacheslav Rusakov and Alexander Shiryaev, put a running application in a secure virtual environment, protecting against unknown malicious applications that can run on the system. For this technology uses intercept requests to the registry, file system and operating system components, checks them and if necessary, provides virtualization requested objects. Through virtualization software stored data inaccessible to malware. After the end of the protected application, the user can delete the history of the changes made by the program, or if you did not show any signs of malicious activity, to transfer data from the virtual environment to the real one.

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