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Third quarter results for the company Google

Google has released the financial results of the third quarter of 2012. Unfortunately for us, they were lower than expected, the market reacted to the predictable drop in shares, which, however, is unlikely to be a long-term phenomenon. However, the call for the third quarter of Google can not fail. This is the first quarter in company history when its revenues exceeded $ 14 billion, showing an increase of 45% compared to the same period a year earlier. However, net income was only 2.18 billion, compared with $ 2.73 billion a year earlier. One of the reasons are loss of Motorola, which is now owned by Google. Although its revenues amounted to $ 2.58 billion, but operating losses exceeded half a billion dollars, reaching a level of 527 million. Most of them came in handset division - $ 505 million. Companies Google also managed to achieve growth in the number of paid clicks by 33%, but the cost in comparison to the third quarter of 2011 decreased by 15%. The reason for this decline - the growth in the share of mobile advertising, which is cheaper. Also one of the reasons why the company's net income were losses on exchange rate differences, if they remained at the level of the third quarter of 2011, revenue would have been 557 million higher.

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