MTS "VimpelCom", "MegaFon" and "Rostelecom" will provide 100% coverage of the largest Russian highways in 2013
Russian telecom operators MTS, "Beeline", "MegaFon" and "Rostelecom" announced a joint project to provide mobile communication highways of federal importance "Baikal", "Caspian", "Ural" and "Ussuri" total length of about 9000 km. The construction of the base stations along the highway is scheduled to begin in the first quarter of 2013, the project will take up to nine months. The estimated cost of works for an organization of 100% coverage of the biggest tracks is about 3.2 billion.
Highway "Baikal", "Caspian", "Ural" and "Ussuri" are twenty regions of Russia from Moscow to Vladivostok, forming the so-called transport corridor "North-South" and "East-West". The project was initiated in accordance with the Decree of the Russian Government dated 05 May 2012, its implementation will provide full coverage of cellular communication of key road arteries of the country.
To ensure uniform coating operators have installed more than 200 new base stations in addition to the existing telecommunications infrastructure. According to the work plan, each of the participants of the project will establish its own antenna mast structures at approved sites, which will then be used for co-location of equipment four operators. Thus, it is ensured carpet mobile project participants throughout the highways. Costs for the construction of aerial structures operators share on an equal footing. Costs of organizing power of communications infrastructure will take the state.
MTS "VimpelCom", "MegaFon" and "Rostelecom" acts as a coordinator of work in a particular region. Operators have already developed the address setup of aerial structures and preliminary engineering solutions, applied for frequency assignments for base stations, is negotiating to join the power grid, and started work on registration of land lease, which will be installed communications infrastructure.
The operator said, the complexity of both the development of the project itself and the subsequent implementation of the specific regions and is caused by the peculiarities of passing routes away from major population centers. Mobile communication roads of Russia is an integral part of the federal program for full deployment of the "ERA-GLONASS", designed to ensure safety on the highways and reduce the severity of accidents due to speed incident response and relief.
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