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Get Siri To Give You Directions Via Google Maps

Earlier this week, Google Maps was introduced into the iOS App Store, and received a whole host of coverage on what seems like every media outlet out there. Rightly so, it’s a whole lot better than Apple’s own mapping service. This being said, using bespoke Apple applications does have it’s avantages; namely the integration with the rest of Apple’s services, most prominently, Siri.
Siri’s integration with mapping services is great, you can ask her how to get to cinemas, Apple stores and a whole lot more. But it does it via Apple Maps, but have no fear, we can fix this! The video below will show you how:
As you can see, the answer is as simple as adding ‘via transit’ to the end of your request. Siri will handle the rest, and you’ll be presented with a screen of alternative mapping applications all ready for your directional needs!
If you found this tip helpful, feel free to share it with other people who might too!

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