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"Mobile slavery" will last till 2014?

As we mentioned, the State Duma adopted in the first reading of the so-called "law on the abolition of slavery mobile." According to him, the ability to move from one operator to another by preserving a number can be implemented in Russia from 1 December 2013. However, MTS, VimpelCom and MegaFon have asked for a stay: they believe that such a possibility should be postponed for three months, that is - until March 2014. It is worth mentioning that this service (MNP - Mobile number portability) is now working in 65 countries, but its implementation usually takes from one to four years. Infocommunication Union President Alexander Krupnov sent Deputy Duma Speaker Sergei Zheleznyak letter asking to postpone the introduction of MNP in Russia for three months - until March 1, 2014. According to him, before the operators do not have time to solve all the technical and administrative issues related to the launch of the new service. In particular, it is necessary to upgrade the network to clarify the terms of MNP subscribers, to review and develop a mutual understanding of the service rules. However, Sergei Zheleznyak believes that there are no reasons for delay. According to him, all the necessary preparations can be made ​​quite a year left before December 1, 2013. Russian mobile operators just want to buy time and extend the "mobile slavery," he said. Thus, it is not clear whether the observed previously announced deadline for implementing MNP, or under the influence of operators running services will be delayed.

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