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Nokia Connects Christmas: Past

Today, as this year is coming to an end, we will be looking back at Nokia Connects’ Christmas past (did you see what I did there?)
Let’s go back to 2007, when Nokia Connects was first forged. Back then, we were actually called WOMWorld/Nokia, and our Twitter channel started with around 5 followers. From there, we began talking to all of you who love using Nokia phones, and we set-up ourTrial a Nokia programme so you could test and review them too.
Nokia N97 Mini
Where we are right now is simply amazing, with over 17k followers and thousands of great friends and fans. It’s how we got here that is worth reminiscing about though. Those who have joined us at (and followed!) events such as Nokia WorldSXSWMWCCESSocial Media Week, and other activities; Nokia LVKN8 ProducersSearch for 7Nokia NavNokia Open labsNokia N97 Mini tourCarl Zeiss tour (and many more), your participation and support has been tremendous, so why not take this opportunity to pat yourselves on the back?
I guess we can leave this small entry on a thank you note. So, thanks to everybody who has contributed to the Nokia community over the years, thanks to everybody for supporting Nokia Connects and getting involved in our activities, and to all of our friends, old and new (you know who you all are!), have a very merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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