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A closer look at the Nokia Lumia 520 and 720

You will have seen the news and press releases by now concerning the Lumia 520 and Lumia 720,  affordable and mid-range additions to the Nokia Lumia range, but what do people think? Well, I’m here to bring you the thoughts of those closest to the action out in Barcelona.
Nokia Lumia 520
Let’s start with the Nokia Lumia 520, Nokia’s ‘most affordable Windows Phone’ according to Mark Guim over at The Nokia Blog. He posted this hands on demo from Nokia Design giving the official tour of the phone and highlighting all the…highlights:
A little later on Sam got to sit down with the phone, and he put together his own version of the ‘quick hands on and first impressions’ video:
His initial takeaways from having a closer look at the phone:
‘Impressed as regards the build quality’
‘Nice, fluid device’
‘Looks nice, no?’
Nokia Lumia 720
Moving on to the Nokia Lumia 720, the more mid-range of the two phones we’re looking at today. As you might expect from Clinton Jeff, he has a post that has both quality images (see above) and a great little hands on with the phone where he runs through the key features:
Running a ‘real world’ experiment, Ali from My Nokia Blog took theNokia Lumia 720 into a dark booth with a member of the competition, and sampled some images with the cameras. Guess which phone won…
As hemedans puts it in the comments on the post ‘[the] 720 is amazing, these budget phones always surprise me’, and andrew_b adds that the
’720 is looking increasingly like the pick of the bunch for price/performance in the current…Lumia lineup’
So what do you guys think? Impressed by the new phones? Have questions or comments for the guys who brought you their impressions? Let us know in a comment below, or as ever you can condense your thoughts into 140 characters and hit us up on Twitter.

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