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"Beeline" launched Wi-Fi in a taxi Abakan

In the Siberian region telecommunications operator "Beeline" announced the launch of free Wi-Fi in one of the most popular taxi Abakan. The project in a few taxis "Capital" have been specially installed Wi-Fi routers, the "Beeline", allowing city residents enjoy free access to the Internet.

Taxi in which residents and visitors can enjoy free internet, you can find on the symbolism Wi-Fi in the external and internal design of cars. In addition to receiving free Internet access, any client can directly taxi during a trip to buy SIM-card "Beeline" or learn more about the rate, just talk to the driver.

Use the Wi-Fi service on the "Beeline" subscribers can all operators having the device with Wi-Fi adapter. Through constant technological upgrading and increasing the data rate on the network "Beeline", users can not only read the news and see social networks, but also easily download multimedia content (photos, videos and audio files).

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