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The Chinese government has ordered two million BlackBerry Q10?

The company has not officially BlackBerry markets the smartphones BlackBerry Q10, but it probably has already become known for the largest buyer of this type of device. Resource StockHouse reported, citing sources close to the company FYD (Fugyudum) Enterprises of Macau, the Chinese authorities have placed an order for the purchase of two million of these smartphones. This company has a network of paid educational institutions in the provinces of Guangdong and Yudumtu. The acquired units are designed for faculties mobile hacking and information warfare. The official customer is the Chinese Bureau of Economic and Cultural Development. Confirmation of information from the Chinese authorities or representatives BlackBerry yet been received. Earlier, it was reported that the BlackBerry managed to conclude an ambitious deal with one of the partners to sell a large number of smartphones BlackBerry Z10. In total, to date, the company managed to sell about one million devices with BlackBerry OS 10.

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