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ompareMyMobile.com compares the prices from 40+ recycling stores in the UK combined with large volumes of traffic to give accurate market trends in recycling and device valuation

Samsung Galaxy S4 Announcement Impact

BEFORE the phone is even released comparemymobile.com has seen the following increases. The important aspect to these stats is this NEVER happens unless an Apple device is announced. A sign of Samsungs grip on the market?
127% increase in Samsung valuations PRE S4 RELEASE127%
29% increase in Samsung trade ins PRE S4 RELEASE29%

Samsungs % of Total Trade-ins

There has been an increase in the percentage of the trade in market that Samsung holds by 4.7% since the announcement of the Samsung Galaxy S4. Apple too the biggest hit dropping from 50% to 44% in the past 50 days
Samsungs trade in market share - 24/04/13 - 17.2%Samsungs trade in market share - 14/03/13 - 12.5%

Top 5 Samsung Device Pricing Drops

This shows how the trade in pricing of the top 5 devices on comparemymobile.com was affected from the announcement of the S4 on 14th March to the day before the official release
Samsung Galaxy S1Samsung Galaxy S2Samsung Galaxy S3Samsung NoteSamsung Note 2British Pounds (GBP)Dates14th March1st April24th April300250200150100500

Top 5 Samsung Device Percentage of Price Drop

This illustrates the drop in value of the top 5 Samsung devices over this period totaling to a 12% drop in value on comparemymobile.com
Samsung Galaxy S1 - 10%
Samsung Galaxy S2 - 23%
Samsung Galaxy S3 - 19%
Samsung Note - 7%
Samsung Note 2 - 3%
% of price drop 14/03/13 - 24/04/13Samsung Galaxy S1Samsung Galaxy S2Samsung Galaxy S3Samsung NoteSamsung Note 2TOTAL20151050

Top 5 devices % Share of Total Trade-ins

This shows the total percentage share of trade ins these 5 devices make up from the 4,000+ products that can be recycled on comparemymobile.com. What's key here is that the top 5 Samsung phones make up 12% of all trade ins on the website, reflecting the huge sales volume they've made over the past 24 months, stealing market share from Apple and other competitiors
Samsung Galaxy S1 2.1%Samsung Galaxy S2 4.2%Samsung Galaxy S3 3.7%Samsung Note 1.2%Samsung Note 2 0.9%
Media Contacts
Ashley Turner
Tel: +44 (0) 7590 116 943
Email: ashley(at)comparemymobile(dot)com

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