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Yandex.Trains for WP

The company Yandex has announced the release of a new application for Windows Phone - Yandex.Trains, which is already available for iPhone, Android and bada.

Yandex.Trains - this is the actual schedule of suburban trains, including all changes and cancellations. The application covers more than 70 regions of Russia, as well as Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and other countries.

After selecting the points of origin and destination, Yandex.Trains immediately show the next train departure time, the ticket price, platform number, travel time, the list of stops. Of course, the application can find the schedule and on any other day. Any routes can be added to favorites and view them even without internet. And the most commonly used route is convenient to display in the live icons on your desktop smartphone, where he will always be in front of your eyes.


schedule commuter trains on any given day;
departure the next trains, ticket price and the number of platforms;
Viewing your favorite trails without an internet connection;
the ability to add an icon to the live favorite route to the desktop phone ;
automatically update the schedule to reflect the changes.

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